Accreditation for journalists FOR PETS
Accredited at the event is at least 24 hours before the start.
Active journalists, correspondents for newspapers, radio and tv, as well as editors in new media can get accredited using the form below. This accreditation is NOT intended for sales reps, workers in business departments and other non-journalist members of the editorial staff – those who work at such positions are not entitled to the accreditation. All candidates will receive either confirmation or rejection of their request one week before the beginning of the trade fair at the latest.
For inquiries, please contact
Accredited journalists are entitled to:
- Free entry to the exhibition center (for press card holders)
- Use of the Press Center and its services during the opening time of the fair
- Media kit
Journalists are welcome to get accredited during the fair at the Press Center located in PVA EXPO PRAHA, Beranových 667, Praha 9 - Letňany.
Items marked * are mandatory.